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My Adventures with Ancient Rome

Note: Someone pointed out to me that all sites in Rome are Roman and hence I have added the adjective ancient- I hope this clarifies the point I am trying to make if the posts don’t by themselves

In the second part of my ancient Roman sites to visit in Rome, I will describe the monument of the Altar of Augustan Peace located on the Lungotevere. This monument is quite special in my perspective because the entire reconstructed monument is located within a modern museum- thereby forming once again that overlap of different eras that is so unique to Rome but more on that further down.

The Ara Pacis Augustae or the Altar of Augustan peace is quite literally an altar, but a massive altar constructed entirely out of Luna Marble and adorned with intricate carvings. The altar was consecrated by Augustus in 13 B.C and the construction completed in…

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This entry was posted on August 15, 2012 by in Uncategorized.